More On Folium Mapping
2 min readDec 5, 2020
Previously I showed how you can generate a map and map a location in python using a mapping library called Folium. I wanted to get away from New York and I chose someplace about as far away you can get: the roof of the world- Lhasa, Tibet¹.
lhasa_lat = 29.654839
lhasa_long = 91.140549
Lhasa_Map = folium.Map([lhasa_lat, lhasa_long])
To generate the above map, I created a map object using that took in one set of parameters: the latitude and longitude of the city of Lhasa, and assigned that object to a variable named Lhasa_Map.
We didn’t add any other parameters governing styles, but we could. Folium has a number of map styles called tiles we could use. Let's suppose we were interested in the topography.
Lhasa_Map = folium.Map(location = [lhasa_lat, lhasa_long], tiles = 'Stamen Terrain', zoom_start =10)
- Tibet was overrun by Chinese forces in 1959 after China claimed that Tibet had always been a territory of China. This has been the official position of the Chinese government since then. Because of China’s economic power, most companies like Google capitulate to the Chinese view that Tibet is in fact a part of China. Consequently, when viewing this map, labels are in Chinese.