Advice for Job Seekers During Turbulent Times

These are difficult times for most people in the world: with the ongoing pandemic threatening people’s health & changing the way people work, with an election that has deeply polarized the nation and the world and causing a great deal of anxiety to those of us who are witnessing events as they unfold, To find oneself in a place of transition personally and professionally can be extremely challenging.

I’m hoping to provide some guidelines here for how one can undertake this professional challenge of finding a new position or a new career amidst such turbulent times I hope these reflections will be helpful for you.

Do not lose Your own Path

In order to have the possibility of success one must have an understanding of what is motivating you and upon that basis dedicate oneself to those action steps that are in alignment with that motivation. While clearly, economic security is at the forefront of why we are looking for opportunities at present, it is important to be conscious of other motivators that will make work more fulfilling.

